Thursday, September 5, 2019

How a Federal HR Specialist Collects Keywords to create a federal resume

Everyone this is Ken else off again I'm going to do a quick video. Now on how I would create a resume. Iasked for volunteers yesterday to submit links to there a job that's currently open. That they want to apply for and I randomly picked secretary. Ithink it's a common job. Ithink it's a gs6 job. That a lot of people could apply for so hopefully. This video will be useful to a lot of people. Because it's at the gs6 level. It is a secretary again so. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to jump right down to the responsibilities okay. This is the beginning of making our resume I'm gonna highlight. If you want to read about job interview preparation visit site . All of the responsibilities of this position and I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna paste them into a Microsoft Word document. Ialready did. That before the beginning of this video just to save time so. What we're gonna do is highlight. All of the verbs. All of the keywords. That we want in here the main points but just make. It makes sure. That you do not highlight complete sentence is.

You just want little chunks of them you want the heart of them whatever the subject is. Or the action is in the sins. You want to highlight those which is. What I've done here and then. Ipasted all of them down below alright and you'll see why here in a second we're gonna hop right back over to the announcement we're gonna cruise on down to the next section which is specialized experience. This is telling you what they're. What they're looking for in terms of determining whether. Or not people are qualified. They want you to have. This sort of experience, so I'm gonna copy. This section here and I'm also going to paste. That into our future resume and inside. That paragraph again we're gonna highlight the keywords I'm gonna take out. All those keywords and paste them down below there in their red as. You can see. All right then we're going to jump right back over here to the announcement, and we're gonna cruise down to. This part right here. It says competencies. These are exactly.

What the supervisor is looking for so. These are the biggest things. You need to have in your resume so not only we're gonna put them in our resume, but we're actually gonna make them resume headings. Or subheadings rather inside the resume so. Because they're so important and because. This is what the supervisor is looking for from applicants. We need to take. These we need to move them over into our future resume and I pasted them there and then. Irewrote them down here as. All caps because they're going to become sub heads so at. This point what we're gonna do is take. These competencies which are the biggest. Most important thing that they're looking for here okay I'm gonna jump up right here real fast and I'm gonna put. These competencies right here and then I'm gonna space them out a little bit there is no spacing occurring right. Idon't know why okay there. All right so. These sub heads are gonna be inside of our resume at. All so cap locks as well so they're. All gonna be capitalized letters.

Now I'm gonna go back I'm going to take the ones. We did in red okay and I'm gonna paste them right here and then. Igo back down to. That second section. We pasted red ones and I'm gonna take those up as well and paste them to the bottom here okay so. What we've got is the subheading administration and management, and then we've got. All the keywords. We took from the announcement. That we're gonna want to keep in there and write sentences around okay so under. Each one of these sub heads I'm gonna paste. All of these red letters okay. Now not all the keywords the red ones are gonna apply to. That subheading but that's okay. Because you can go through and delete the ones. That don't apply to. That particular subheading but. That what that'll do is that'll let. You utilize.

These competencies as your subheads okay and then. You can write sentences and bullet points around. All of the keywords down here. That apply to. This subhead only alright so you'd want to take. This word here and talk about receiving and scheduling and referring if you've ever worked in an office. You scheduled people for appointments. You would write. That in here okay scheduled. You know 100 people per day for appointments. While I'm sorry about the typos appointments well juggling multiple priorities okay that's kind of weak but that's that's that's an example of what you'll do is so. This sentence is. What I just wrote but notice. That I kept. That keyword hidden there inside my sentence okay so that's. What you'll do you'll write sentences around. These keywords blah blah blah and then your sentence is going to be it's going to end with begin with. Or contain the keywords. That we took okay so long as. They apply to. This subheading you keep them. If they don't. You delete them so.

Anything that doesn't have to do with administration and management maybe being a pisser. That doesn't apply okay like probably make. All of these work for this subheading and that's okay sorry. Ijust pulled them okay so go through their make those all of your sentences and write your sentences around those keywords and then. You come down to the next subheading and you do the same thing all right. You want to keep. These in here as the ones only the ones. That apply to communication. All right so. That way when a supervisor an HR specialist looks at your resume their eyes are going to be pulled right away to. This section here. Where you're caught. Where the competencies are. That they're looking for and then you're gonna back up those competencies by putting in bullet points.

That have the your sentences in there. That demonstrate. You have that competency okay so. What I'm gonna do. Now is I'm going to scroll down. That was a very quick that's about. All I'm gonna show. You okay what I'm gonna do. Now is I'm gonna scroll down to. That high probability resume. That I have saved in the Files section and I'm gonna show. You can see. What the end the product would look like. You kept going with. This these here okay well before. That by the way. One of the things. You want to do is write sentences under. Each subheading and then. What you do is. You repeat these the subheadings and the sentences under the next job you've held okay so. This would be a description of like. Something like your current job and then. You would copy and paste. All of this over here again and you would rewrite. It all under your second job. All right and then again. You would only highlight. What you did in. That other job. You previously held. When writing the sentence is out. You would only write.

What you did in. That job that applies to. This subheading okay so enough of. That let's scroll down and see. What an actual resume would look like. You fill out. All of these subheadings and write. All these sentences so here's a demonstration of a finished resume and what it looks like it's down here at the bottom. This is saved in the Files section under a high-probability resume. Ithink is what I labeled. It in the files section there alright so. You can see. What a finished product looks like okay so here we've got an HR specialist. They worked. How much they were paid, and then we've got right their see. All caps that's. One of the competencies behind the competencies. You can write a small little summary paragraph explaining what you did in. That competency and then below.

That look it's the bullet points okay so. This the these might have been keywords. That were originally read and you know. This resume was written around. These keywords nut and bolts modules. These are keywords okay they're hidden in there of course but before. You submit your resume. You want to turn. All your letters black but the point is. You don't want to keep them read but. You do want to have them the keywords hidden inside your resume so as. You scroll down. You can see okay well here's competency number two here's. What I did to support. That competency and then here are. Some examples of the stuff. That I did all right and then here's competency number three. All caps right your given them exactly. What the announcement tells. You they're looking for and make. It strong that's.

You write a strong resume okay, so I'm gonna upload. This into the shared drive into the files group I'm gonna leave. It as is because. You I'm not gonna write a resume for you but. Iwill give. You the keywords. You can use to get started and that's. Iwould frame. Or structure my resume. Iwere writing one for this position. It may look like a lot but. You get used to the copy and paste and the keywords. This can fly by. You can whip. This out in no time and you can make a really powerful resume in a short amount of time but. This is why you want to customize. It okays to the job you're applying for don't just simply write up a generic resume and then hand. It in for every job you're applying for you have to customize. It based on the keywords and the competencies in. Each announcement so every announced. You apply for might have different ones so. You got to build a resume from scratch every time. It's okay it's a little time-consuming but boy. It really suits your resume up and makes. It powerful. All right with. That I'm gonna stop here. You can watch the video post. Any questions below and I will do. What I can to get to them thanks for watching everybody.

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